Monday, October 5, 2009

after the rain

Before the rain ..after the rain? We have all been through The Rain this year ... Linda in Hawaii and on her hiking trails. That must have been very intense experience. Jayme waiting in expectation for Jonathan's graduation,her illnesses and work with kids from NYC,Bridget in her daily trecks to St. Mary's and nightime isolation, Steve out to the Wilderness in his Jeep and introspection insde of decaying houses and now a new house,Leslie the Tenative Blogger .Last but not least Trish..Trish should get the award for commenting everyday for a year Always bright and steady always seeing our best.

Now for the sun and Indian Summer

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trishalyn said...

I've always wondered...why do cows sit down when it's going to rain? And how do they know? :-)

Very nice color/contrast in these images. Good job, Phil!

Linda said...

Aaawww Phil, what a nice recap of the year and the things we've all been through. Thanks for being so thoughtful and mentioning each of us so sweetly.

Love the images that accompany your musings. Very nice job.

trishalyn said...

Wow, Phil...did you add more writing later? I swear I didn't see your beautiful note the first time around! Thank you for your sweet comments!!!!!! :-)

Framing Images and Memories said...

Wonderful writing and photos. You summarized the personal happenings of our clubs members very well. I enjoy reading your insights.

Bridget said...

nice summation(is that a word?) of the year.
i have looked forward to your original and thoughtful comments.
thank you phil:)