A friend of mine was looking on the Internet trying to find my email adress,, She Googled Philip Lyford and finds my grandfather. He was an illustrator early last century.You can go on the net to see some of his work.
I don't have any significant painting of his,but as I said before my father was an artist also .. He was in the Coast Guard and was always interested in stories of the sea . The ships are supposed to be the Nina and the Pinta coming back.
My mother works in watercolor and I am posting a picture of Red Amyrilys
so there is a family connection to art that you are carrying on with your photography. Thanks for sharing your father's great work too.
Nice heritage! Thanks for letting us see some of the work.
It's always nice to hear about someone's personal history. Your shots came out very nice today Phil!
Well, the others said it very well...I agree!!! :-)
that is awesome.
so much artistic talent in one family.
I was researching the artist Philip Lyford because I own one of his signed oil paintings. The painting has been in our family since around the 1930's i think. I would appreciate any information about the artist.
I have several small books with his illistrations. These books where of childrens stories and are very old. They are all signed by a little girl named Alice Dodge. Books must have been for wealth kid's collection. Very rare.
I own a oil painting by your grandfather and thought you might like to have a picture of it. It was commissioned in the 1920s for the cover of a series of books called Book Trails.
Rob Davis
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