Young man spinning basket ball on his finger
American Madona
She is beaming ,but I think the red machine in the backround is an interesting counterpoint..What do you think?

This is Sue and Japeil..Sue made the table by digging out a tile table ,then making the pattern with coffee beans..The dark roasted beans form the letters and the light beans make the backround..GWIB
I love the image of the boy spinning the basketball. Is Sue the mom? Nice job.
Sue Blazejevski is the proprietor of GWIB .. We go there after basketball every Saturday for lunch> Do you see the turtles lay their eggs? Please record that if possible.
love the spinning ball and the madonna/coke machine.
I was going to ask you what "GWIB" means...but I see that is the name of the business? Or just your initials for the name? What an interesting table...must have taken her a long time to make it. I liked the image of the boy spinning the basketball. If you have another opportunity, though, I would suggest trying to get the boy's face sharply focused while blurring the motion of the ball. The expressions of the mother/children are beautiful!!!
GWIB means Go Where I've Bean.Sue's mantra..With my little digital If I don't use flash the figures are blurry..I have the shot with the flash and the ball is fixed..not very interesting
I agree with Linda, the spinning ball is nice. Nice photos overall. I remember seeing Sue when I have gone to GWIB. nice job
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