We need health care reform now with public option. Bring the troops home. alternative energy and green jobs. We are in the 21st century. The GOP is in the 20th century.
wow..karl marx interpreted the moon and milkweed very seriously! Nice images and it would be fun for all of us to suggest a theme that binds the photos together. I'll have to think on that one..could be a good assignment in the future.
I'm a little confused, but it's been one of those days! :-)
That is some moon shot! Nice photo of you and Mary, too!
All the same images ..just a few difference in cropping ..They look better in edit
We need health care reform now with public option. Bring the troops home. alternative energy and green jobs. We are in the 21st century. The GOP is in the 20th century.
wow..karl marx interpreted the moon and milkweed very seriously! Nice images and it would be fun for all of us to suggest a theme that binds the photos together. I'll have to think on that one..could be a good assignment in the future.
Anything that I see usually has a political interpretation but I must admit the phots are nice but not the GOP.
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