Does anyone remember Poke from when you were young..The stalks were cool when you crushed them and the berries ...you were always going to make dye or ink out of them..
I had heard that down South people eat it ..supposed to taste like spinach,
Looked it up on Wikapedia..Unless you blanch it at least three times it is poisonous..symptons are nauseas,contiuous diarrhea,shortness of breath, hypothermia ,spasms ,convulsions, and death..
Save me Leslie ...
The berries uses to be as a dye on Indians horses . and the Declaration of Independence is supposed to be written with distilled poke juice..
Well Trish I got into your assignment> I had to use my old manual Chinon so I could use my macros
Who's turn is it next?

I never heard of "Poke"....but nice job with the assignment!!!! :-)
P.S. I enjoy learning from your postings...you are a wealth of knowledge!!!
very interesting!
if i want to poison someone i'll give you a call.(hey, you never know)
is this grown in the north?
Great shots Phil, really nice colors especially in that close up. Where are these mysterious berries found?
Never heard of those berries. Great job on the assignment, and nice lesson to go along with the subject.
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