Max was going around in a shopping cart.He is waving in the first picture but in the close up

More Pizza with Richard
For The Meet Your Neighbor Night we had hoped to use the St Stans Parking lot......so go see Father Dave at 4:30 mass,,,,I go to Mass as well ,,I could not believe my ears..Fr Dave is singing and saying the Mass at full loudness possible..and organ is also Awsome LOUD

Love the dog photos and pizza with Richard! Great job Phil!
My favorite is Father Dave...great portrait, Phil!
"Meet the Neighbors"- great idea and the division of Amsterdam into distinct neighborhoods is interesting. Great photos and make sure you give one to Father Dave as I think he would be pleased with the results.
These are all great portraits. Your son is becoming such a handsome man! Love the beard.
All of these are great - I really like the dog photos!
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