Thursday, August 20, 2009

Late post 8/17/2009

Monday was a day off to go visit Aunt Harriett and Uncle Dick //They lived in Connecticut but were always visiting when the kids were young.The water sculpture was at a library nearby wherein Dick had a print >I couldn't get a very good image off the wall so I took a reproduction off the internet
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Linda said...

Nice story about your visit. I love the photo of the girl statue.

Framing Images and Memories said...

Like Linda I am drawn to the little girl, looking at the water.
Your family members are talented in the art world....I think I remember seeing, on your blog, other examples of art?

trishalyn said...

I enjoyed this series, Phil. Glad you had a good visit with your family! What kind of artist is your uncle? A painter?

J.L.Velez said...

I too like the water and the girl. You're very artsie Phil and that's a good thing!