Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mary reading the paper....... sorta yellow

I have always wondered how to capture the low afternoon sun..Mary is sitting in shadow holding the paper up to the sunlight
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Framing Images and Memories said...

I see the yellow! Great yellow sun coming through the window and the yellow shirt that Mary is wearing. Nice interpretation!

trishalyn said...

Steve's right...yellow shirt and yellow sunlight. Nicely done, Phil! :-)

J.L.Velez said...

I like your different angles and the beauty of the setting sun coming and a creating different shadows of varying lengths and shapes. Nice job here Phil!

Linda said...

Love this series, Phil. Great interpretation. You definitely "worked" the subject, and once again, Mary gets the gold star for being such a good sport.

Bridget said...

nice angles .
i am wiith linda,mary is a great sport!