Sunday, June 7, 2009

Follow the River

Just finished reading " Follow the River " by James Alexander Thom..Story Of Mary Draper Ingles who inn !775 was captured by Indians >She escaped and walked approx 1000 miles from near present day Cincinnati to about 150 miles east of Charleston West Virginia in the fall and early winter..
The colored picture is as she was being lead west by the Indians In the last picture she is being tended to by a settler after 44 days walking in the freezing wilderness


Bridget said...

another nice history lesson

Linda said...

Hey Phil, I read this book and chose it for bookgroup several years ago. It was amazing.

philmary said...


I remember you saying you had read it.From the moment she was found to the end I was teary
The way things turned out with Ghetel; their reconciliation, was heartening

Framing Images and Memories said...

Nice job Phil. I love true stories, and of course, a true historical book is all that much better. Im reading Three Cups of Tea. A book of adventure building schools in Pakistan. Have you read it?

philmary said...

Three Cups of Tea ,,right ..Greg Mortenson..he was the speaker at Marg's commencement..Thanks for reminding me ...That will be my next book

trishalyn said...

Great post, Phil...I enjoyed your images AND history lesson!