I noticed the difference and went back to shoot the more luxurant plant..The owner happened to be there and he said all they did was prune down lightly the bush in the fall ,,It was really bright sun I set the Iso for 50 but they still look washed out .i will go back tomorrow
The Cedars were planted to memorialize the muster on that ground in 1776 of 3000 Continentals and Miliitia..Another bit of history at the Old Court House

Nice job photographing more of nature's offerings. That last photo reminds me of dancing. All the trees are shuffling to one side of the dance floor.
Lilac bushes are so tempting to photograph because they're so pretty and smell so great.
I'm with Steve on the last image. The trees are great.
Wonder if you stopped down your f-stop because of the bright light? That might have helped.
i like the shot of the cedars.
thanks for another history lesson:)
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