Wednesday, April 8, 2009

post 4/8

You often see trees like this in the city. The trunk is sustained by the new growth branches which are cut back every fall

Mary and I are in the kitchen in the afternoon


Linda said...

I don't see any snow in the image with the tree??? What happened? Nice tree and nice photo of Mary.

trishalyn said...

Interesting tree...good eye!

J.L.Velez said...

That's a crazy tree you got there:)

Framing Images and Memories said...

Nice photo Phil. What is the reason for these trees? I dont find them particularly attractive but I do see plenty of them around the city.

philmary said...

The trees are cut as they are in order that they remain a manageable size. In the city you may not have a lot of room but it allows them to be green in the summer but not get larger every year