Working backwards .... Frothingham Library For my March 31 post I happened to be walking around Fonda and walked into This library..And started taking pictures of the dolls..Out of the mists of memory came a connection that we might be displaying at this place..Called up Trish ..sure enough supposed to be in May..We discussed what the display area might be and it was suggested that I go back and investigate..April 1 post The two glass cases look fine..The rectangular one is about 6' high with 4 shelves .. The smaller one is about 3' High.... Read the Quote By Reverend Washington Frothingham
Things have changed a lot since my last trip to the library. Thanks, Phil...I really appreciate your images. Guess we'd better get planning...May is just around the corner!
Thanks Phil! It's neat to know where we are going to be in a month or so. Love Frothingham's quote...I think we all should have a mission in life!
Things have changed a lot since my last trip to the library. Thanks, Phil...I really appreciate your images. Guess we'd better get planning...May is just around the corner!
so this is the place:)
i appreciate the preview.
Thanks for the reminder about the exhibition. The dolls are interesting. Good visual of "our" space.
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