8:00AM Saturn won't start for Mary..so she takes the Taurus I go on a road trip to get a part to fix it..
There is a salvage shop off Rt 67 on Cranes Hollow rd..After an hour I get the part..Cranes Hollow rd is neat in that it goes from Rt 67 to Rt 5
continue on Cranes Hollow Rd ....Grave yard mostly over grown...The turns on the road are treacherous..
Horses...first I have seen outside this year
Power Plant .Rt 5..look familiar Bridget?
Lots of other stuff but I now know what my topic is ....Meneely Bells Troy NY ..This is in St Stans but the foundries of South Troy in the 19th Century were what manufacturing in America was about. The Monitor was fabricated in South Troy is 100 days.No test runs No Prototypes.Do it Right the First Time
Hey Phil, you get more clever each day. Love the post and really, really like the image of the cemetery. Cars!!! Can't live with them, can't live without them.
You had quite a day, Phil. Enjoyed your images...and thanks for the history lesson! Did you mean that your special project is going to be "bells"?
I agree with Trish. Your day was packed but you still managed to look for the next right answer:) Nice job Phil
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