This horseshoe is one of 70 million that were cast over a period 0f 50 years .Upon the advent of the Civil War Burden was given the contract to shoe all the horses in the Union Army,,From then on for the next 50 years this brought in $1,000,000 per year or in modern terms one half a Billion per year...for 50 years.....Does any one know what the Civil War or WWII cost?
The spike form was invented by invented by Burden and was/is used in all of the railroads in the country 2 for each tye
Search the right side of the illustration for this building to help imagine the size of the Works
Well Phil, I'm wondering if you retired and didn't tell any of us? (only kidding) You're definitely getting around. Great post, great images. Seems like you like history!
another great history lesson.
so sad that war can be so profitable .
i love the first image.
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