Saturday, February 7, 2009

Schooll 9 Bell

Sorry about poor attention to others concerns.and creations

The School 9 doesn't exist anymore ..Blow up the sign to see where it was


Bridget said...

nicely composed picture,very pretty sky and a good local history lesson.
thanks phil!

trishalyn said...

NOW I KNOW WHERE IT IS! MY SISTER USED TO OWN THE PROPERTY THAT IS SEEN IN THE BACKGROUND!!! Beautiful photo, Phil! I never would have gotten the right answer because I was looking for the school house! :-) Do you want to be "it" again?

Linda said...

Nice shot Phil. You sure do get around.

philmary said...

I would like to be "it again. "It provides many opportunities for postings> I am having trouble touching more then my own blog . I have a new pair of glasses and my eyes seem to be burning.I guess looking at a screen all day is a problem if you don't have the right glasses

Framing Images and Memories said...

You worked hard on this Phil. Sorry I had no idea where you might be. Nice history lesson.

J.L.Velez said...

Good post Phil. I love that you pull so much local history into your blog.