Thursday, February 12, 2009

Keys ,Girl ,,,,,Dog to be continued

Keys are at Sikorskies again ..Jim is writing up ,my bill


J.L.Velez said...

I want that puppy! Wish you could get a close up on that cute little mug:)

Framing Images and Memories said...

Very cool pics. I love the woman's arm..very photojournalistic of you.
All are great. Nice job

Bridget said...

love that puppy and the warm expression of its owner.

trishalyn said...

Who can resist that sweet little puppy? Would love more info on the that someone you know? Or did the puppy give you the courage to ask a complete stranger to pose? Nicely done, Phil!

philmary said...

Puppy is "Louie".."You are going to see a lot of Louie"...nice thought .. half doberman half chocolate Lab