Trish suggested that I see how many bells I could find.. Starting at the Courthouse . There is a bell in the Dome
The next picture is in the attic ,,You can see the eves
The next picture is looking at the stairs goinh up into the Dome
The last picture is the Bell..You can see the clapper ..maybe we should get it reconditioned so we can ring it
Always interesting posts. That first picture drew my eyes immediately to the top..almost like an optical trick.
I also really liked your first picture best. The way the perspective is, it is just great!
i love the first image and the last one.
interesting shots altogether.
good job.
I LOVE THE FIRST ONE!!! Phil, you have another winner here...think you should put that one in the show!!! Thanks for following through on my suggestion, too. Great job!
Oh My Gosh!!! The first image is wonderful. Definitely a keeper for the show. Nice job.
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