This is sort of funny ..We were at GWIB and we were drinking milk .Problem ...the first one is no flash but is blurred >I asked her to continue and I did it with flash..She must have spaced out and gotten bored as you can see by her expression.
Is it possible to increase ISO on a A85 Digital Canon?
Don't know the camera you mentioned, but the flash should have frozen the action. Maybe you moved the camera a little? What is this place you keep mentioning by intitial?
Oh.. GWIB means Go Where Ive Bean
It is a coffee shop on Church St just west of 5 Corners..the word Bean in the name is a pun on Go Where Ive Been,,I guess this is a person who is a leader who is instructing her followers on Her Way but she drinks a lot of coffee and uses a lot of Coffee BEANS.
I did a post back a little with the owner Sue Brazjefski sitting with my friend Japeil at a table that she made by spelling out her letters GWIB in Coffee Beans,which she then set in epoxie
As Linda said, I would think the flash would freeze action. Did you move and not realize it? Nice idea for the photo. Did anyone else know your cemetery..I do this time for sure so I will have to post later unless Ive already lost.
Do you have your camera manual? If not, check out that model on the Internet...am sure you'll find your answer. Great idea for a posting...would love to see you try it again! :-)
i wish i could help with the technical problem but i got nothin for you there phil.
good luck:)
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