The past owners of this house had a tremendous garden with many types of fruit trees.. They are all mished together now from over growing ..The tomatoes grapes and pears are recognizable..Does any one know what tree the first image comes from...hint it is a nut
Went out to Manlius to visit parents..I always wanted to see those windmills up close..Mary said they frightened her >>Like War of The Worlds ..As a idea of scale in the third picture she is standing in front of a set a blades which are yet to be assembled
Went to Mass and rode back on 20..Saw a Mason Lodge form 1787..George Washington was Mason ..Should check out what the Masons believed to get an idea what they were trying to say in The Constitution with respect to church and state
This morning we went to the dedication of the Fourth Ward War Memorial.. Through the efforts of Fourth Ward Veterans Jim Draus and Carol Krajewski this monument was created and maintained ..
The corner of Edsion and Vrooman was renamed Draus Drive and Krajewski Corner
The wpman in the last picture designed the monument when she was 20 // I have to ask againg what her name is ,but she said now at 54 she is so much aware of her purpose then//
Representative Tonko gave a moving speach on how the mosaic of our society lead us through the struggles of war
Mayor Thane reminded us that we should live our lives as examples that veterans can look to and see that their sacrifices were justified