Monday, August 31, 2009

Down in Philadelphia

This is what is called a Rip Down..My sister didn't like her old house which she paid $450K for so she had it demolished and is having a McMansion built

Tea set

We went to see Julie and Julia > Great movie about a girl who is casting about and whose only interest is cooking ..guess what .... she decides to do a 365day blogg on Julia Childs "Mastering the Art of French cooking.....


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trishalyn said...

You have a sister?! I don't remember you ever mentioning her before. Wow...that is some mansion she's having built!

That last image is that a dog dish those pigs are guarding? :-)

Field trip sounds like fun!

J.L.Velez said...

Cool shots Phil, movie looks interesting!

Framing Images and Memories said...

I agree with Trish...Im interested in learning more about your family. Your sister must have very specific taste.

Bridget said...

beautiful tea set with such nice lighting.